Know Better - Be Better

Psychology-based Skills Training + Support that transforms your Life + Business through Personal and Professional growth with courses, coaching, and certification

Hey, Difference-Maker!

Here's the irony about being a difference-maker...

You have the heart to serve, but...

  • you wanna help everyone and do all the things, or
  • can't find the right opportunities to fully use your talents, or
  • don't know when, what, or how to even begin!

So you're left feeling...

  • burned out,
  • overwhelmed,
  • held back, or
  • unfulfilled

You are so passionate about making a difference in the lives of others,

but maybe you're stuck or lack support, and you're wondering...

"Can I even actually make a difference at all?"

Yes, you can! We'll show you how to unbox that...

...and not with some generic template, but with a strategy that is  tailored to You that'll
help you move forward with ease and flow!

Here's the thing...

You've already heard that in order to lead well, you must learn how to serve.

But the truth is...

In order to serve well, you must learn how to lead.

And while "they say" only 3% of the population are natural-born leaders... ALL of us (yes! that means YOU!) were born with natural strengths...
...and leading from them + your own unique experiences makes a larger-than-life impact in the world!

At UnBox University, you'll unbox how you best serve and lead according to the nature and nurture of your personality.

Doesn't that already feel less stressful and more exciting?

Remember this:

Everybody is Different

Work with your Personality,
Not against it!

We believe that everyone has their own unique blueprint and contribution to the world.

We want to help you discover your TRUE passion and purpose so that you're not just successful, but also feeling happy, empowered and fulfilled.

Our philosophy at UnBox University, or UBU (get it? You Be You! yeah, we're cheesy like that), is that every individual must stay in alignment with the core values, motivations, and strengths that make you YOU in order to fully actualize your life's mission.

If you've been wracking your brain about
which advice is right for you,
or stressing about which guru to follow,
or asking "why isn't it working for me?" 

There's nothing wrong with you!

You just need a tailored plan.

One that meets you where you are...
...and takes  you where you want to go.

YOU are the guru with the right inner wisdom.


Learn New Skills

Discover the simple steps to turn your passion into a business idea into income.


Take Action with a Guide

Overcome Overwhelm and Procrastination with a helping hand.


Network + Get Support and Accountability

You need a Tribe that gets your passion and has your back.


Empower and Inspire Others

Build Instant Rapport by becoming a Certified Intuition Life Coach (Enneagram + NLP).

Discover your 'Signature' Vibration

It's what you're known for, the Heart of your Business or Life's Passion Project,

It's your Attraction point, and your Ripple Effect into the World.

UnBox University (UBU) helps you find what's Core to you and Design a Life + Business from the Within-Side Out
so you make the Impact you were born to make

What Makes UBU Different?

Unbox your Personality

Discover more about who you are... and who your aren't. Identify your Core Values, Motivations, and Strengths and how to intentionally align your Business Strategy to your Personality Style

Unbox Your Strategy

Go from Business Idea to Strategic Plan based on the pillar that Business is built on Relationships. Connect with your audience authentically without ever being salesy

Choose Your Own

Create your own brand and systems for Living and Business that is aligned, balanced and attracts quality customers. You have the Freedom to Design your Joy and get paid doing something that lights you up!

Don't Waste time on efforts that are working Against who you are at your Core


"This program has helped make mindset shifts I didn't even know I needed to make so I could get clarity in my business.

On a personal level, this program has helped me to better understand my husband and children, which has strengthened my relationships with them."

Lea J

Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and Homeschool Mom

"Much more in depth and completely different approach. It's helped me understand myself much better and have more compassion for others and how they process.

It's an honor to work with you!"

Bella B

Empowerment Coach

"Jen is so good at asking the right questions as she guided me along this journey. I have more confidence and clarity on what motivates me.

When I find myself spiraling downwards, I now have practical steps to take so I get back to where I want to be."

Alyssa B

Mom, Piano Instructor and Business Owner

What Kind of Difference-Maker are You?

Coach / MENTOR

Do you like to empower, support and guide others along their own journey, like a Life Coach, Business Mentor, or Faith/Spiritual Guide?


Are you a subject-matter expert and like teaching or advising others with your knowledge, like a Teacher, Fitness Instructor, or Homeschool Parent?

Creative / SERVICE

Do you like to create products or provide services, like an Artist, Author, or Web Designer?

Don't know yet? Let's Explore together!

Become a UBU Student Today!


Download Free Guide

Get started with the Better Boundaries Blueprint and Guide that you can implement into your life  today!


Personality Assessment

Schedule a 1-1 session with a UBU Certified Professional Personality Coach, or Enroll in our Signature program.



Take what you learn about yourself to help you make decisions about your business. Get Private or Group Coaching.

UBU Membership available for massive savings on courses, coaching, community, and more!

We don't just care about your Business.
We care about you.

We understand what it's like to follow what's trending, to covet what's working for those successful role models, and to long to make a difference in the world like the John Maxwells or Brene Browns out there.

Don't waste time on programs designed for the masses.

At UBU, you are encouraged to Be Yourself, while at the same time allowing others to Be Themselves.

Because... You won't be Inspiring if you're not leading from the Core of who you are created to be!

Life is too short to not be doing what you Love

Don't be held back trying to fit someone else's mold

You were designed to make a unique difference

Your people deserve the REAL you!

Inspiring Business from the Within-Side Out!